Monday, July 18, 2016

Week One in Cape Town

After traveling for 48 hours, carrying the feeling that I may never arrive, I landed in Cape Town South Africa! I was beyond thrilled to have finally reached my destination and begin exploring the city. 
My friends and I up at Signal Hill
The first day, I made my way to Old Biscuit Mill, where I got to experience the excitement and rush of a day and night market, where an array of decadent vendors, farm stalls and designer stores come together. I got to taste the delicious varieties of food and drinks offered at the market. 
Later that evening, my new roommates brought me to Signal Hill where I got to experience my first sunset. Sipping on a local black label beer, I enjoyed watching the the sun set deep into where the Indian ocean meets the Atlantic ocean.  

The rest of my week was filled with exhilarating site seeing, along with meeting many new people, and of course attending my first day of work at PASSOP. PASSOP is a non-profit human rights organization devoted to fighting for the rights of asylum-seekers, refugees, and immigrants in South Africa. I fell in love with the staff, and was thrilled to spend some time with the founder of the organization. I was informed that on top of helping with the organizations finances and grant writing, I will be assisting on opening a day care center for refugee children with disabilities. On Saturday, I helped host my first event for this particular program where we distributed blankets, clothing and toys to the families. I spoke to many of the mothers who shared with me their stories of not only having to escape their native countries due to extreme discrimination based on the fact that they have a child with disabilities, but their struggle to integrate into a foreign country and feel the wrath of being a refugee. I was so incredibly inspired by these mothers and fathers, and by their strength to continue to do everything possible to provide their children with a better life.
Several of the children at our event
Me with some of the families
Later that day, I hiked up to the top of Lion's Head, where I tested my ability to scale a mountain, as well as face my fear of heights. After what felt like a life time, we made it to the top where I was greeted with a breathtaking view. On Sunday, I spent a relaxing day at a neighboring beach called Clifton Beach. It was a wonderful way to end my first week here in Cape Town. 

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